Praise the Lord with Glorious Music!
Part of the mission of Christ the Lord Lutheran Church is to praise God through the Word and music. We hope to draw new followers to Jesus Christ through the beauty and joyful sounds of classical hymns. Our musical tradition can be traced to the earliest practices of the Lutheran church, when Martin Luther, himself, believed that liturgical music brings people closer to God. Our classic repertoire is familiar to most and inspiring to all. We sing with one voice. We hope your voice will join ours. Fondly known as “the singing church,” CtL offers a wide variety of ways for you to get involved:

We hope to reintroduce a small chorale to accompany our Sunday services during the “high season” (November – April), when our congregation attends in greater numbers. We are always looking for people to share their talent in praise of God. Chorale members practice once per week and share a passion for music. You do not have to be an experienced singer to be part of this wonderful group. To find out how you can join the chorale, please contact our office at: [email protected].
Musical performances
We are so blessed occasionally to have voice and instrumental performances during our Sunday services. Whether is a beautiful voice soaring through the sanctuary, a violine or flute solor, or our wonderful organist and pianist bestowing their musical gifts upon us, the Spirit of the Lord shines even brighter during these moments. If you have a musical talent you would like to share, please contact our office at: We would love to hear you at one our services.

Bell Choirs
Three distinct groups play the bells at CtL. The church is grateful to have a complete set of beautiful instruments that ring out our joy to others. It is not essential that you have experience in order to be part of the fun. Our bell choir director, Jane Chavers, is an excellent teacher and patient leader. Find out more about the (1) Bell Choir, the (2) Bells of Joy and the (3) Joyful Ringers by contacting the office at [email protected].
Instrumental performances
From native and classical flute performances to sublime string quartets and solo violin performances, top-notch musicians from our congregation and the surrounding areas regularly share their talent during our Sunday services. If you have a musical talent you would like to share, please let us know (contact the office at [email protected]). We would love to hear you play during one of our services.