Plan Your Visit

Plan a Visit to Christ the Lord Lutheran Church

Lutherans have a rich tradition of worship that is well-ordered, scripture based and accented with excellent music — the liturgy. Our Traditional Service offers an opportunity to worship God and experience God’s grace in that liturgical tradition.

At CtL, you will experience a friendly community, a relevant message, and a sense of God’s presence in Word and Meal. The Meal — Holy Communion — is offered openly to all who come to worship at CtL.

We Can’t Wait to Meet You!

You Matter to God and You Matter to Us

We’re glad you are interested in seeing what Christ the Lord Lutheran Church has to offer.  We believe no matter who you are, what you’ve done, or what has been done to you, God loves you and wants what is best for you.  You are welcome here!

Here are the answers to some commonly asked questions when considering a visit to Christ the Lord Lutheran Church:

Service Times and Location

Our mailing address is P.O. Box 2539, Carefree, AZ 85377.  Our church is located at 9205 E. Cave Creek Road, Carefree, AZ 85377

9am Sunday


We provide ample parking for all who are coming to Christ the Lord Lutheran Church.  Spaces reserved for vehicles displaying handicap tags are located closest to the main entrance to the Sanctuary as well as alongside the education building.

Entering the Building

Please arrive a few minutes before services begin. Greeters will meet you at the main door to the Sanctuary and ushers will provide you with the service bulletin. All are welcome to attend, including your children.

In the near future, we hope we will be able to offer a robust program for children; however, right now, we simply encourage you to bring your children with you to the service.

Other FAQs

Our attendees come in everything from shorts and flip flops to dresses and slacks – so come in whatever you’re comfortable wearing! We’re just excited for you to join us! We’re confident that you’ll fit in no matter how you dress.

We want you to feel welcome at Christ the Lord Lutheran Church. It is only natural that you might not want to stand out in any way while you are checking things out for yourself. Therefore, we won’t ask you to stand, raise your hand, introduce yourself, etc. We do hope you won’t mind if some people at the church smile and say hello.

As our guest, we do not expect any money from you. We will have an offering during the service, but we encourage you to let the baskets pass you by. The offering is a way for the Christ the Lord Lutheran Church family to respond to God and join the mission of the church through their giving. If you’re new, we don’t expect you to give. Our service is a gift to you.

If you do consider Christ the Lord Lutheran Church your church home, we’d love for you to prayerfully consider regular giving. You can give by check or cash at weekend services or any time during the week when you’re on campus, or you can set up an online giving account on

If you have more questions