Serving Your Community
At Christ the Lord Lutheran Church, we believe that God created each of us with unique gifts and talents to serve others and build up the body of Christ. As followers of Jesus, we are called to imitate His servant heart. Serving allows us to use what God has given us to make a difference in people’s lives and be the hands and feet of Jesus to our community.
There are many ways to serve
Whatever your talent, skills or situation, there is a place for you in the mission of our church. Offer your help to those in need through our many Community Engagement projects. Reach across the globe to provide support to students and families via our Tanzania Mission Project. Explore the varied organizations we support. You’re bound to find one that appeals to your heart.

Serving Fills Your Heart
Serving is a great way to get to know others at our church, use your gifts to make a difference and grow in your relationship with God.
Giving can be as simple as buying socks for the homeless. We hope you’ll pray about how God might want to use you to bless others through serving here.
Get in touch to discover how you can serve the community, the world and the Lord. We can’t wait to serve alongside you!