About Us

Who we are

Christ the Lord Lutheran Church (CtL) in Carefree, Arizona is part of the Grand Canyon Synod (https://www.gcsynod.org ) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (https://www.elca.org).  We stem from very humble beginnings in 1983 when we met first in a grade school cafeteria.  After a capital campaign that began in 1985, we were able to build and dedicate the current sanctuary, fellowship hall, education building and offices by the end of 1990. 

CtL has established and strengthened partnerships with affiliates and agencies serving the community, the region and the world.  We are an important part of the Northeast Valley Consortium of Lutheran Churches, which collaborates in ministry for the sake of the Gospel.  We share best practices, common causes, projects and resources as needed.  Learn more through this video about our efforts since the group was formed in 2020:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3l8wHj2r0M&t=3s 

We are a small congregation of both year-round and seasonal members, who hail from all parts of the United States.  We value, respect and support each other. You would be welcome here, just as you are.  

We offer Sunday services at 9:00AM in our sanctuary as well as streaming online.  

  • Join us Sunday at 9 am

Church Council Members

Pastor Anna Rieke


Mark Kennedy


Bob Flach

Vice President

Bonnie Kodis


Ken Biederman


Sue Mayfield

Worship Committee Chair

Keith Hainy

Social Ministry Committee Chair

Donna Guerin

Stewardship Committee Chair

Sebastian Martello

Property Management Committee Chair

Dan Nelson

Evangelism and Outreach Committee Chair

Loraine Morris


If you are interested in helping with any of these committees, please let us know at [email protected].


Community Service

This committee shares the Good News of Jesus Christ with the widest possible audience by turning our faith into action. We show unconditional love to people who are sick, suffering and needy. This committee and its subgroups aim to match you with your interests and passion for service by identifying and meeting human needs, working with community organizations and advocating for justice.


Our Education Committee provides opportunities for members of our congregation and the broader faith community to foster and nurture their spiritual life. From Bible Study to conferences, videos and lectures, we hope you will learn to apply the teachings of Jesus Christ to your own life.


We love to get together. We feel like family. We are friends. This committee plans and implements events such as coffee and snacks after services, ladie’s or men’s luncheons, Lenten soup suppers, First Fridays (evenings of wine, snacks and music), couples’ dinner circles, movie night and hiking trips. You might have ideas to help us celebrate the love of God together.

Ministry of Music

The Ministry of Music (MOM) Committee creates connections with our community via music-related opportunities and programming such as concerts (The Living Music Performance Series), guest performers at services, Chorale and Bell Choir, affiliations with music associations and programs in the area, and private voice lessons. Through the joy of music, we believe people can experience the love of God.

Mutual Ministry

This committee supports the Pastor and staff by offering confidential coaching and counseling, helping to hire staff members, and overseeing compliance with our church personnel guideline and Federal employment law.

Property Management

This committee manages and maintains all church buildings, equipment and grounds.


This committee coordinates the necessary resources to help meet the needs of the congregation, the church buildings, staffing costs and administrative costs.


This committee works closely with the Pastor and administrative staff to ensure bulletins supporting services are available, the altar is arranged properly (according to the liturgical calendar), volunteers have been recruited for ushering, Holy Communion, and readings.