
All are welcome for worship and the Lord’s Meal

Traditional Service: 9:00AM on Sundays

Our traditional service provides you with an opportunity to worship God and experience His Grace. Join us on Sundays for services. We offer a warm, supportive and relaxed atmosphere for worship filled with joy and enhanced by music. Holy Communion is offered to all who come to Christ the Lord. Wherever you may be on your faith journey, you are welcome here.

Online Services: Live Streaming

Each week we offer live-streaming of our services online. Services begin at 9:00AM Mountain Standard Time and can be accessed from anywhere in the U.S. All you have to do is click on “Watch” below. Stay connected to Christ the Lord Lutheran Church even when you are not in Arizona. At your convenience, you can also view the service after it has concluded.

If you would like to see previous services, you can find us on YouTube under Christ the Lord Lutheran Church Carefree Arizona. Be sure to use the Carefree location since other churches with this same name exist in various parts of the U.S.

Pastor Anna Rieke

Meet Pastor Anna 

Pastor Anna Rieke is a collaborative leader who has spent her career adapting to the changing landscape of religion and finding new and innovative ways of pointing people to the liberating love of God. Having been nurtured and shaped by churches through all stages of life, she knows the powerful impact they can have on both their members and the communities they serve.  

Pastor Anna has served congregations in Oregon, New York and Washington. She has a relational approach to parish ministry that emphasizes joyful and authentic worship, working publically for justice and inclusion, and prayerful strategic planning in the midst of uncertainty and change. She has also served on multiple synod-based Strategic Teams for Authentic Diversity and is an experienced organizer and trainer in the arts of faith-based community organizing.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (University of Arizona ‘05) and Master of Divinity with a concentration in Evangelism and Justice (Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary ‘13). Her ministry has been featured on Fast Company: The Christians Giving Up Carbon for Lent and NPR affiliate KUOW: What will be the future of church in Seattle?. 

When not working, she can often be found walking her dog, listening to or making music or reading sci-fi at a local watering hole.


Our church bulletin contains the most up-to-date list of members, friends and families who can be supported by our prayers. We encourage you to include this list of people in your daily prayers. Additionally, if you need a private, personal prayer session with Pastor Anna Rieke after a Sunday service, please let one of our ushers know when you enter the church. You can remain in the sanctuary after services conclude and Pastor Judith with spend time with you.

Daily Devotionals

Printed copies of Christ in our Home, published quarterly by the Augsburg Press, are available free to anyone who comes to our Church. Pick up your own copy and follow along with pertinent Bible passages, discussion points and relevant prayers. You will find these devotionals an inspirational way to start your day.

Ways to Get Involved in Services

Our services depend on volunteers to be:

  • Greeters, who welcome congregants as they enter the Narthex
  • Ushers, who distribute the service bulletin for the day, collect the offerings and invite congregants to queue for Holy Communion
  • Lectors, who read the liturgical passage for that day
  • Communion assistants, who prepare the Holy Communion wafers and wine, and assist the pastor during that portion of the service

To volunteer or find out more, you can contact us at [email protected]