Easter Sunrise Service
Easter Sunrise Service in the Prayer Garden at 6:00AM
Easter Sunrise Service in the Prayer Garden at 6:00AM
Children's Easter egg hunt after the 10:30AM service in the Prayer Garden.
Children's Easter egg hunt after the 10:30AM service in the Prayer Garden.
This activity is our annual day of service and an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)—one church, freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor. Our congregation activity this year is assembling “Kindness Kits” during worship for distribution by Circle the City. Circle the City provides
After 17 months with our loving Bridge Pastors we have invited Pastor Anna Rieke to be our full time minister. She will begin leading us in Worship on Sunday, October 20. Pastor Judith's last Sunday with us will be October 13. We would love to fill the sanctuary for both of these Sundays as we say
Service of Installation for our new Pastor with participation from The Grand Canyon Synod clergy.
A Christmas service with your children and grandchildren as the focus. Carols and a children's message will be featured.
Come celebrate the Birth of Our Lord with Bible texts, communion and carols. All are welcome.
Come and enjoy a relaxed, casual celebration of the Birth of Our Lord on Christmas morning. The service will include carols, Bible texts, communion and a Christmas homily with Pastor Anna. All are welcome.
Continue the celebration of the birth of Our Lord with a service of Lessons and Carols. All are welcome.