Pastor Anna Rieke’s Installation Service
Service of Installation for our new Pastor with participation from The Grand Canyon Synod clergy.
First Friday With Friends
Get into the Holiday Season with Christmas songs to sing, games to play and treats with your CtL friends and guests. Bring a Christmasy treat, a beverage, your singing voice and your Holiday Spirit for an evening of fun to ring in the season.
Christmas Eve Family Service
A Christmas service with your children and grandchildren as the focus. Carols and a children's message will be featured.
Birth of Our Lord Christmas Eve Service
Come celebrate the Birth of Our Lord with Bible texts, communion and carols. All are welcome.
Christmas Day Service
Come and enjoy a relaxed, casual celebration of the Birth of Our Lord on Christmas morning. The service will include carols, Bible texts, communion and a Christmas homily with Pastor Anna. All are welcome.
Service of Lessons and Carols
Continue the celebration of the birth of Our Lord with a service of Lessons and Carols. All are welcome.